
久久国产精品久久 students on campus

Accounts Receivable & Cashiers Office

Welcome to the Cashiers and Accounts Receivable web site. We are located on the second floor in Holloway Hall, rooms 201- 203 for Accounts Receivable and room 219 for the Cashiers Office. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. The Cashiers Office can be reached at 410-543-6060. You must have the student id number for all inquiries.

Please carefully read everything received from the University. Our bills include important information and it is the student's responsibility to be aware of deadlines and University policies. The student's campus email is the main form of communication. Students should keep their mailing address current via GullNet as it is used for refund purposes.

Though every attempt is made to process paperwork correctly, errors can occur. Students are encouraged to save all receipts and keep complete records. We also suggest recording the name of the person in the Cashiers Office or Accounts Receivable with whom you spoke if you call or drop by to ask a question.

We look forward to helping you meet your educational goals and wish you success. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance or to answer your questions and concerns.

Online Payments, Tuition Payment Plans, Electronic Bills, and Refunds can be found on the SU Student Account Page!